General information
1. The Operator of the Website is Tavex Sp. z o.o., registered at the address ul. Świętokrzyska 32 (00-116) Warszawa, NIP 951 238 18 72, REGON 147351719, National Court Registry (KRS) number 0000518067.
2. This Website collect information about users and their behaviour in the following ways:
data entered voluntarily into forms.
HTTP cookie files (so-called “cookies”) saved in end-devices.
Information in forms
1. Website collects information provided voluntarily by users.
2. Website can save also information about connection settings (time, IP address)
3. Data in the form are disclosed to third parties only with user’s consent.
4. Data in the form can be included into a database of potential customers registered by the Operator of the Website in the register kept by the Inspector General for Protection of Personal Data.
5. Data entered into the form are processed appropriately, for example, in a procedure of service request or in business contacts.
6. Data entered into the form can be forwarded to subjects that technically perform some services – in particular this concerns a handing over of information to net payment service providers or other subjects, with which the Operator of the Website cooperated in this field.
Information about cookie files
1. The Website uses cookie files.
2. Cookie files (so-called “cookies”) are computer data, especially text files, which are stored in end-device of the Website User and are designed for use with pages of the Website. Typically, cookies contain the name of the Website from which they come, the storage-time in end device and an unique number.
3. A subject that places cookies in end device of the Website User and has a direct access to them is the Operator of the Website.
4. Cookies are used in the following purposes:
for creating statistics that help to understand how users of the Website use web pages and thereby afford possibilities for improvement of structure and content of the Website;
5. for maintaining of the Website User’s session (after logging in), owing to which the User must not retype his/her login and password on each page during browsing the pages;
6. for determining user profile in order to display well- fitting materials in advertising networks, in particular in Google network.
8 The Website uses two basic types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored in User’s end-device until logging out, leaving of the Website or closing the software (web browser). Persistent cookies are stored in end-device of User for a period, defined in cookie parameters or until the user deletes them.
9. Software for browsing websites (a browser) usually allows the store of cookies in the end-device of User by default. Users of the Website can change these settings. The web browser allows deleting cookies. It is also possible to block cookies automatically. Details can be found in in the help section or in a documentation of browser.
10. Restrictions of cookies use may influence some functions available on the Website pages.
11. Cookies saved in end-device of the Website User can be used also by advertisers and partners cooperating with the Operator of the Website.
12. We recommend to read the privacy protection policies of these companies in order to know the principles of use of cookies for statistical purposes: Privacy Policy of Google Analytics
13. Advertising networks, especially Google ad network, may use cookies to display advertise, matched to specific use of the Website. To this end they may save the information about user’s navigation paths and time spent on a given page.
14. With regard to information on user preferences collected by the Google ad network, each user can view and edit the information from cookies by means of tool:
Server logs
1. Information about some behaviour of users is a subject of logging at the server level. These data are used only to administer the Website and to secure the most efficient use of hosting services.
2. Browsed resources are identified by means of URL addresses. Moreover, the following data can be saved:
Time of request arriving,
Time of reply sending,
Name of customer’s station identification by the HTTP protocol,
Information about errors that occurred during HTTP transaction,
URL address of previously visited page (referrer link) – if the Website was entered via a reference link,
Information about the user’s browser
Information about IP address.
3. These data are not associated with individual persons viewing the pages.
4. These data are used only with the purpose of server administration.
Data availability
1. The data can be made available to third parties only within the licit limits.
2. The data enabling an identification of natural person are made available only with consent of this person.
3. The Operator can be under an obligation to provide the information collected by Website to authorized bodies on legitimate demand within the limits arising from the demand.
HTTP Cookie management – how to give and withdraw a consent in practice?
If the User does not wish to receive cookies, he may change settings of used browser. However, we must make the reservation that disabling cookies that are necessary for the procedures of authentication, security and preservation of user’s priorities can hinder and in extreme cases prevent the user from viewing web pages.