Tavex Sp. z o.o. guarantees the best prices on investment gold, silver products, currency exchange and scrap/jewelry gold and silver in Poland. If any other company offers you a better price in Poland, we will match the given price on any transaction. If you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact us at +48 22 114 00 20. You can find the terms and conditions for the price policy below.
Terms and conditions for the price policy
To enable the use of our price policy, we do the comparison at the same time as the time of the transaction. The competitor’s price needs to be noted in their web shop or homepage. The “competitor” is a Polish company mainly working with investment gold and silver products. In some cases the competitor’s price is verified by a written proposal or an offer from an executive or a person with a decision-making position within the competitor’s company.
The price on gold/silver bars is compared to the competitor’s price on uncirculated gold/silver bars with certificates from well-known producers such as Valcambi, PAMP Suisse or Perth mint.
The price on minted gold/silver bars is compared to the competitor’s price on products with sealed packages.
The price on gold/silver coins is compared to the competitor’s price on coins in good condition, without any damages and in their original packages.
The competitor must have needed amount of coins and bars on the place on the day of purchase.
The price may not fall below the current spot price on gold.
To enable the use of our price policy on currency exchange, we do the comparison at the same time as the time of the transaction. The competitor’s price needs to be noted in their web shop or homepage and competitor must have needed amount of currency on the place. The price should neither exceed nor fall below the current official market price on the given currency.
To enable the use of our price policy on scrap gold/silver, we do the comparison at the same time as the time of the transaction. The competitor’s price needs to be noted in their web shop or homepage.
The price may not exceed the current spot price on gold or silver. The competitor must have possibility to transfer money for scrap gold at the same day