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Must see in Lublin

Published by Gabriela Kozien in category Travel guides on 30.05.2022
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What to see in Lublin – old castle

What to see in Lublin? Top 5 attractions in Lublin

They say Lublin is a city of inspiration and for us, it is impossible not to agree with this slogan of the capital of eastern Poland and Lublin voivodeship. A place is so unique that even a simple walk can amaze you during your holiday or stay. It is known that for centuries, it has been a key position for the relations between Poland and Lithuania, united in 1569 by a union as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the Sejm of both states in Lublin. It may be a great history lesson to spend there one day or two. We encourage you to have a quick look at what we believe is worth seeing and is the right answer for what to see in Lublintop 5 attractions in Lublin.

Lublin – what makes this place so unique?

The simple things make this place so live full and bright. In the middle of the square stands the old town hall. Mesmerizing by itch measures and style.  There are plenty of restaurants, bars, and cafes all around – you can read more about places to eat in Lublin here. You can fall in love with Lublin’s balloons – these hanging and colorful decorations put a smile on your face every time someone passes them.

Lublin-full of energy

Old Town and Castle in Lublin

Even before we get to the Old Town, you should find the Royal Castle. This is the whole complex that looks as if it was from a completely different fairy tale. From a distance, you can see a round tower – it’s a donjon, one of the oldest buildings in the city, which once had a defensive and residential function. Within the complex there is also one of the largest monuments in Lublin: beautifully decorated with frescoes Holy Trinity Chapel. In the castle, you will also find a Lublin Museum with numerous exhibitions and painting galleries, including the famous “Lublin Union” by Matejko – one of the greatest Polish painters.

St Michael’s Church and the Lublin market square

You should arrive at the market through the Grodzka Gate – it is one of the two gates that were part of the city’s defensive wall, and which survived to this day. On the way you pass the ruins – these are the remains of the foundations of St. Michael’s Church, which was one of the oldest in the city. Nowadays it is a place of meetings, performances and concerts

Keep your head up – colorful tenements are all around you

Feel the true atmosphere of this beautiful place. Keep your head up to see all of the old tenement houses.  In Lublin they are very impressive – some of them are colorful and beautifully renovated, and others are falling apart and waiting to be restored to their former glory. But even the dilapidated ones were given a second life by inserting interesting photos in the old shutters.

Lublin main square

Trinity tower and St. John the Baptist Archcathedral

It is also worth climbing the Trinity Tower, just over 200 steps to get to the vantage point that offers a panorama of the entire city. Next to the tower, there is the biggest church in Lublin – St. John the Baptist Archcathedral which was built in the 16th century! It is the most famous and the largest church in the city. You will find here the Acoustic Sacristy where a little whisper spoken in one corner can be easily heard in the opposite corner. There are also Crypts under the Cathedral that can be visited. The Lublin market square is a few steps from here.

Lubelska Trasa Podziemna

If you are fascinated with the architecture and character of the city of Lublin, why not see what secrets it hides underground? Such discoveries are made possible for you by the Lublin Underground Route, which runs under the Market Square and the streets of the Old Town. The hike starts at the Crown Tribunal building and ends at the Square at the Fara. The entire hike lasts about 40 minutes and takes place as much as 12 meters underground, so it is advisable to stock up on a warm sweater or even a jacket when going on it. The route was created by combining more than a dozen Old Town merchant cellars, the oldest of which date back to the 16th century. Along the way, you’ll get a glimpse of the history of Lublin’s spatial development – you’ll see numerous mock-ups and dioramas, as well as colorful stories from your guide. The highlight is a moving mock-up that replicates the city fire of 1719.

Kamień Nieszczęścia

This is a real attraction for the brave. Legend has it that this stone was located in Bernardine Square, a former execution site, where it served as the base for an executioner’s trunk. Once upon a time, the executioner beheaded an innocent man on it. The executioner’s blow was so powerful that it split the trunk and left a deep crack in the stone. From then on, the stone gained its cruel power and became a curse for the locals. It is said that attempts were made to reverse its curse by using it as material for the construction of a newly built temple. Nevertheless, the curse was so strong that the church was ultimately not built. During the bombing of the city in 1939, the worst damage came to the street where the stone was then located. On yet another occasion, a local baker accidentally sat on it, and soon after died tragically locked in the oven by his unfaithful wife and her lover. To warn visitors, the city authorities hung a plaque over it with a clear sign – “Do not touch.” If you are brave enough to find it, we will reveal that it is located on the corner of the quiet Jezuicka Street and President Theodor Gruell, just below the Trinity Tower.

Ogród Saski w Lublinie

A green oasis of the city and a place to get away from the rush and experience a moment of peace for a while. Saski Garden is the oldest park in Lublin, as it dates back to the 19th century, 1837 to be exact. The main designer of the place was Felix Bieczynski, who kept it in English character. You can find it on Raclawicka Avenue, which is an extension of Krakowskie Przedmieście. The current name has been in place since 1860, in reference to the Saxon Garden in Warsaw

Muzeum Wsi Lubelskiej

Although the place is located on the outskirts of the city, it is really worth going there. This is one of the largest open-air museums in Poland, where you will find buildings moved from small towns in the Lublin region. The whole show the cultural diversity of the province in a beautiful way. You will be able to see exhibits from the Lublin Upland, Roztocze, Powiśle, Podlasie, and Nadbuz, and they will be complemented by the manor and township sections. To make the access aspect easier for you, we will reveal that the easiest way to get there is by buses 18, 20, 30, 37.

Tavex Lublin – see you there!

There are plenty more places to go in Lublin but remember whenever you will visit this lovely city, don’t forget to stop by our branch in Lublin at Królewska 4 street. The newest Tavex branch on the map of Lublin! You can easily exchange your money or check our offer in person. We have over 60 currencies from all over the world, always available on the spot.  There will be no better moment to have a look at gold bars or coins that we have in stock. So..see you in Lublin!

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